
Deregister your company!

There are 2 ways to deregister a company:
  1. Automatic deregistration – failing to file CIPC annual returns, however SARS requires action. (this CIPC process takes 7 years)
  2. Voluntary deregistration – submission of a deregistration request to the CIPC and SARS. (this CIPC process takes about 4 months)

Automatic Deregistration

When a company fails to submit two or more CIPC annual returns, the CIPC will initiate the deregistration process automatically. If a maximum of five annual returns remain outstanding, the company will be officially deregistered.
However, it's important to note that during those five years, the company will still be considered active. This means the company may incur penalties and late payment fees from both the CIPC and SARS for missing important compliance dates. The government may require these fees to be paid at a later date.

Voluntary Deregistration

This requires the following process to be followed:

  1. File your company's outstanding annual returns and tax returns. Please click here for help with your annual returns:
    Start Annual Return
  2. To get your company’s SARS (income) tax returns up to date you will need to have a SARS public officer appointed. If you have not already have one please, click here for assistance:
    Start Public Officer
  3. File the company’s outstanding income tax returns even it did not conduct any business. In this case, a nil return is filed with SARS. Please note that SARS will levy administrative penalties each month that the entity is non-complaint, up to a maximum of 35 months. Penalties can range from R250 to R16 000 per month for non-compliance.
  4. Once the 3 steps above are complete, you will need to prepare a submission for CIPC for voluntary deregistration which consists of:

    A Deregistration letter on your company letterhead which includes the following information.
    • Date
    • Attention: CIPC Deregistration Department
    • Company name and registration number
    • Company Tax Number (SARS income tax registration number)
    • This dormancy Statement - The company is dormant (not carrying on business) and has no assets, or due to the inadequacy of its assets, there is no reasonable probability of the company being liquidated.
    • The reason that the entity did not file annual returns.
    • Request that the status of the entity be changed to voluntary deregistration.
    • The letter must be signed by at least 50% of the active directors or members.

    Tax Clearance Certificate
    Tax clearance certificate or written confirmation from SARS stating no outstanding tax liability.

    Certified copy of the ID
    A certified copy of the ID of the person signing the request.

    This set of documents, the letter, Tax Clearance and ID, can then be emailed to deregistrations@cipc.co.za

Important Notes:
  • Ensure that your company's SARS tax returns and CIPC annual returns are up to date.
  • The CIPC deregistration process may take up to six months to be processed. It's advisable to follow up with them to confirm receipt of the deregistration and inquire about its progress.
  • You can still register a new company while your current one is undergoing the deregistration process.
  • Avoid the risky approach of not paying your CIPC annual returns to initiate automatic deregistration, as SARS may impose penalty fees for late or unsubmitted tax returns.
  • If you would like to restore a final deregistered company with CIPC please use the following link.
    Restore my company

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